Tuesday, February 27, 2007
Psychology 3510 Developmental Psychology
Howard Gardner’s Multiple Intelligence Project
Student’s Name: Ann Bohannon-Stewart
Instructor: Dr. Helen M. Lillard
Spring 2007 Midterm Paper
Dr. Lillard asked us to rank Gardner’s Multiple Intelligence and give the order.
My order is from greatest to least:
1. Verbal/Linguisitic-Linguistic intelligence involves sensitivity to spoken and written language, the ability to learn languages, and the capacity to use language to accomplish certain goals. This intelligence includes the ability to effectively use language to express oneself rhetorically or poetically; and language as a means to remember information. Writers, poets, lawyers and speakers are among those that Howard Gardner sees as having high linguistic intelligences.
1. This to me was the most important one, because I had good communications skills when I was a child.
2. I grew up with 5 older brothers and at one time I was told that girls usually talk faster or develop language faster than boys do. So maybe that is why my family thought I talked sooner than my brothers did.
3. My father and my mother were my best teachers. I only learned one language, but I learned it well. Math was always harder for me than English was in school. It still is.
4. I did learn some improper English from my older brothers when I was developing speech as a child. I understand that now, because I have twin boys and 3 children of my own. When you learn English from young children who are still developing the language you don’t always pronounce your words correctly. I did that too when I was a child, but my twin boys learned twin talk, and had to go to speech therapy to try to learn the English language the correct way. It was very frustrating for them, and even though I picked up a few incorrect words from my older siblings when I was developing as a child I was never to the extreme of what my twins were.
5. My parents thought I excelled in learning English, but I couldn’t pronounce my name correctly, because my older brothers kept calling me “Gondgie”. Don’t ask me why, maybe it was their pet play name for me, and for the longest time I thought that really was my name.
6. But as an adult, I can say that I understand the English language well enough that I don’t have any trouble communicating with people or talking publicly. Ms Lillard you should know that, cause I probably talk more than any other student in you class. (giggle and smile)
I learned good verbal skills at a young age, and I think that is because my siblings were older than me. I was the youngest to born in my family and my next in age sibling was 4 years older than me. Even though I learned best from my parents my brothers also talked to me and helped me learn English better. If I would have had younger siblings I probably wouldn’t have learned English so easily.
2. Mathematical- Logical intelligence consists of the capacity to analyze problems logically, carry out mathematical operations, and investigate issues scientifically. In Howard Gardner's words, in entails the ability to detect patterns, reason deductively and think logically. This intelligence is most often associated with scientific and mathematical thinking.
1. Even if I consider myself better at English than math when I was a child, I still wasn’t to shabby in Math class either. I did pretty well with numbers in school and learned how to count to 10 when I was 2.
2. I still do pretty good in Math as a adult. I made the dean’s list here at TSU every semester and last semester Dr. Bignall gave me an A in physics. So I can do math pretty well too.
3. My mother taught me how to count. I remember one time when I was sick, I would count till I fell asleep or lay on the ground and count the stars was always a favorite of mine when I was a kid.
4. I was also good at puzzles. I could put them together pretty fast when I was a kid, which shows reasoning skills.
5. Now as an adult, I can use reasoning skills to research and figure out problems. I especially have to do this in Physics class cause some of the problems get so complicated.
Even though I could count to 10 when I was 2, I still think my logical Math skills didn’t show fully until I was older, like around the age of 6 or 7 because that is when I started doing pretty well in math and reasoning in school. I do think as a adult recently I have to use more logical reasoning in the college classes I take today. So far I have excelled in Math as a adult, but I have to study so hard. It really doesn’t come easy for me, but I can do it.
3. Visual/Spatial intelligence -involves the potential to recognize and use the patterns of wide space and more confined areas. Those who learn best visually and organizing things spatially.
1. I believe I am this way because I learned better how to count things when my parents would pull out coins and other objects and let me count them when I was a kid.
2. I also believe I have a sort of a “monkey see, monkey do” kind of learning ability cause I feel like a learn better by watching other people do things first.
3. I can do charts, graphs and draw maps pretty well.
4. I’m pretty good at charades too. If I can picture something I usually have a better chance of figuring it out.
5. I consider myself very organized. Much more organized than my, brothers or my husband.
I’m somebody who feels like I need a teacher. I do better when someone shows me or teaches me something visually, instead of me having to learn subjects on my own. That’s probably why I enjoy taking classes at TSU instead of taking them online. I like have a professor that I can ask questions and be shown how something works, especially in courses like Chemistry. I learned how molecules were conjoined by seeing small models of them put together. It helped me learn, because I could see it.
4. Interpersonal intelligence is concerned with the capacity to understand the intentions, motivations and desires of other people. It allows people to work effectively with others. Educators, salespeople, religious and political leaders and counselors all need a well-developed interpersonal intelligence.
1. I’m very social. I can even say I may talk to much. Ms. Lillard you should have noticed this in your class already.
2. I’m very friendly and socialable. I almost consider myself a people pleaser kind of person and sometimes wish I wasn’t that way.
3. But on the other hand I consider myself caring and aware of other people’s feelings.
4. I think this skill could help me become a good doctor, if I make it though medical school.
5. My social skills have helped me hold down long term jobs in my lifetime.
I’ve developed this skill as an adult. I didn’t have it when I was a younger child. I don’t think I developed it until I was a teenager. I was kind of selfish when I was a kid and didn’t learn to care about people other than myself until I got older, but when I got married and had children I learned to care about them more than myself.
5. Musical intelligence involves skill in the performance, composition, and appreciation of musical patterns. It encompasses the capacity to recognize and compose musical pitches, tones, and rhythms. According to Howard Gardner musical intelligence runs in an almost structural parallel to linguistic intelligence.
1. My father is a musician and minister and I feel like I get this skill from him. He taught me how to play piano when I was a child and I play in church.
2. I have written, sang and composed a few albums with the help of modern technology of course. I compose on midi keyboard devices.
3. Music has helped me with learning math skills. I’ve learn how to write Nashville number charts for different songs that I play.
4. I of course learned my ABC’s and 123’s by watching the show like Sesame Street on television.
5. I’ve learned how to play violin and using my hands more skillfully by playing different interments.
Learning from music was always helpful to me, even as a young child. I believe this should be used in all learning for all children, because it really works, as long as the child can hear of course. It’s also a fun way of learning; at least it was for me as a child and still is for me as an adult.
6. Existential intelligence, a concern with 'ultimate issues', is, thus, the next possibility that Howard Gardner considers - and he argues that it 'scores reasonably well on the criteria. However, empirical evidence is sparse - and although a ninth intelligence might be attractive, Howard Gardner is not disposed to add it to the list. 'I find the phenomenon perplexing enough and the distance from the other intelligences vast enough to dictate prudence - at least for now. In Howard’s exploration, he begins by asking whether it is possible to delineate the 'moral domain'. He suggests that it is difficult to come to any consensual definition, but argues that it is possible to come to an understanding that takes exploration forward. Central to a moral domain, Howard Gardner suggests, 'is a concern with those rules, behaviors and attitudes that govern the sanctity of life - in particular, the sanctity of human life and, in many cases, the sanctity of any other living creatures and the world they inhabit. If we accept the existence of a moral realm is it them possible to speak of moral intelligence? If it 'connotes the adoption of any specific moral code' then Howard Gardner does not find the term moral intelligence acceptable. Furthermore, he argues, researchers and writers have not as yet 'captured the essence of the moral domain as an instance of human intelligence.
1. I’m going to link this one with religion and spiritual beliefs. I’m am a child of a Pennicostal minister. This put deep religious beliefs in me
2. I have always believed everyone or everything has a purpose, and even though a world full of so many people can us feel small and insignificant we are not.
3. God is real to me and I am a believer. I believe he’s put us on this earth as part of his plan. Whatever that may be.
4. As I pray I believe I find the way God is leading me, or the things he wants me to do in my life (such as going into the medical field). I believe that this is what God wants me to do with my life.
5. What did God put me on this earth, hopefully to do good or great things. This is my meaning of life.
There’s not really much more I can add to this other than I believe in God and to me that is our creator and our reason for being what and where I am today. I don’t know the meaning of life, but God does in my opinion and I just place my faith in that.
7. Naturalist intelligence enables human beings to recognize, categorize and draw upon certain features of the environment. It 'combines a description of the core ability with a characterization of the role that many cultures value. The case for inclusion of naturalist intelligence appears pretty straightforward, the position with regard to spiritual intelligence is far more complex. According to Howard Gardner there are problems, for example, around the 'content' of spiritual intelligence, its privileged but unsubstantiated claims with regard to truth value, 'and the need for it to be partially identified through its effect on other people.
1. I grew up on a farm. I had pigs, chickens, a goat, cats, a few horses and I enjoyed living in the country.
2. I went fishing and hunting with my father and I could honestly say if I had too I could live off the land.
3. I also enjoy studying biology and learning how nature works.
4. I’m hoping I can be a doctor so I can study how the natural body works with nature.
5. I consider myself a naturalist, because I want to preserve the environment.
I consider myself a country girl and always will be at heart. I’m at home with nature and I enjoy studying biology. Biology is my favorite subject. But to me Naturalist intelligences ties in with my belief of God too, because this is the creator of all things of nature.
8. Intrapersonal intelligence entails the capacity to understand oneself, to appreciate one's feelings, fears and motivations. In Howard Gardner's view it involves having an effective working model of ourselves, and to be able to use such information to regulate our lives.
1. I have learned a lot about myself as I have grown. Such as I would like to be someone’s hero. Someone who has respect or is admired. I think a lot of people are the same way I am.
2. I guess that is why I want an education so badly. I have been without a college degree most of my adult life and I want so badly to graduate maybe so I can prove I’m not a dummy like I have felt like in the past, because I’m uneducated. Being uneducated can give you very low self-esteem and I had that for many years.
3. It took a lot of courage for me to go back to school, because I never felt like I was intelligent enough to past or do well in school, but I’m learning that if I try really hard, I can make really good grades. I just have to put the kind of effort into it that other people do not have to. What I mean is some students tell me they don’t have to study to do well in school. I have to study all the time. It’s not that I think am smarter than anyone else, it’s that I try harder than most of the other students, because it means more to me than it does to them.
4. It means more to me probably because I would like to be a doctor. My mother has Lymphoma Cancer and she’s always fighting for another day of life. That has really put a feeling of we are all in a race against time for all the life we can get.
5. My inter feelings are usually very obvious. My husband tells me he can read me like a book. So therefore I guess I must show my inter emotions a lot and sometimes wear my heart on my sleeve, at least to my husband I do.
I understand my own needs and emotions and the need to have people around me that understand my emotions, and I try to surround myself with people who I feel like have a positive opinion of me. I have a hurting need to get an education, because I have felt like I’m less of a person because I don’t have a education. It has made me feel beneath other people who are more educated than I am. I developed these conclusions as a young adult, when I could only get minimum wage jobs cause of my low education and skills.
9. Bodily-kinesthetic intelligence entails the potential of using one's whole body or parts of the body to solve problems. It is the ability to use mental abilities to coordinate bodily movements. Howard Gardner sees mental and physical activity as related.
1. Like I said before, I’m pretty good at charades.
2. I do pretty well at board games, and I am pretty good at sports too. My high school basketball team went to the state championship 2 years in a row.
3. I’m an excellent chest player.
4. I helped my brothers build tree houses and work on cars when I was a kid. I can still string a guitar or tune a violin if needed.
5. I work well with my hands.
I guess I didn’t think I was very developed at this skill until practiced something a lot. Even though I played piano and basketball, I really didn’t good at them until I did a lot of practicing. So it didn’t really come easily for me. I had to work pretty hard at it.
Summary Paragraph:
I feel like my parents claimed I was good at Verbal/Linguisitic-Linguistic intelligence when I was a young child about 1 or 2 years old. My parents believed that I learned language quickly. Maybe because I was the only daughter they had. As for Mathematical- Logical intelligence I feel like my parents made that possible for me too. My mother told me I could count to 10 when I was 2 so they just assumed I was good at Math. I just wrote down on this report what my parents told me. Visual/Spatial intelligence I feel like I learned this skill about myself when I was young teenager about 12 or so. I think I considered myself much more organized than my family and friends who were the same age as me at the time. As for Interpersonal intelligence, I don’t thing I considered myself conscious of other people’s feelings until I became an adult. When I was a child I was very selfish and probably on cared about my own personal feelings and wants. As a child I was probably more Intrapersonal and had to grow up a little bit as least to the age of 12-15 before I became more intrapersonal and even caring about other people’s feelings and emotions. Musical intelligence I feel like I got this started at a young age of about 2 as well. My mother would turn on educational shows like Sesame Street and sing my ABC’s and things like that to me at a young age and my father always was tiring to get me to play instruments with him even when I was just 3 years old, he had me strumming the ukulele in church. Existential intelligence in my case I have reverted this back to my religious beliefs, because I was raised by a Christian minister, I guess this started at a young age for me too. I don’t remember ever missing a Sunday of church. Naturalist intelligence, I grew up on a farm in the country with a father that hunted and fished and lived off the land. I went fishing and hunting with him a lot when I was a child. My mother would get mad at me because I wouldn’t stay in the house and help her with the dishes, instead I would go hunting with my father. I was born on my dad’s birthday and I was the only daughter he had. My mother says I’m more like him than my brothers are, and he’s very naturalist so I guess he rubbed off on me. Bodily-kinesthetic intelligence really don’t consider this my strongest point. I ranked it number 9, so I don’t consider it high on my intellectual list. This is the end of my paragraph. Have a great day Ms. Lillard.
Gardner’s Multiple Intelligences Project a little better.
Reference: Howard Gardner, multiple intelligences and education http://www.infed.org/thinkers/gardner.htm
Sorry about all the typos and mis-spelled words folks...I'm in a bit of a hurry to get done with this, and I'm really not the world's greatest speller.
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Howard Gardner’s Multiple Intelligence Project
Student’s Name: Ann Bohannon-Stewart
Instructor: Dr. Helen M. Lillard
Spring 2007 Midterm Paper
Dr. Lillard asked us to rank Gardner’s Multiple Intelligence and give the order.
My order is from greatest to least:
1. Verbal/Linguisitic-Linguistic intelligence involves sensitivity to spoken and written language, the ability to learn languages, and the capacity to use language to accomplish certain goals. This intelligence includes the ability to effectively use language to express oneself rhetorically or poetically; and language as a means to remember information. Writers, poets, lawyers and speakers are among those that Howard Gardner sees as having high linguistic intelligences.
1. This to me was the most important one, because I had good communications skills when I was a child.
2. I grew up with 5 older brothers and at one time I was told that girls usually talk faster or develop language faster than boys do. So maybe that is why my family thought I talked sooner than my brothers did.
3. My father and my mother were my best teachers. I only learned one language, but I learned it well. Math was always harder for me than English was in school. It still is.
4. I did learn some improper English from my older brothers when I was developing speech as a child. I understand that now, because I have twin boys and 3 children of my own. When you learn English from young children who are still developing the language you don’t always pronounce your words correctly. I did that too when I was a child, but my twin boys learned twin talk, and had to go to speech therapy to try to learn the English language the correct way. It was very frustrating for them, and even though I picked up a few incorrect words from my older siblings when I was developing as a child I was never to the extreme of what my twins were.
5. My parents thought I excelled in learning English, but I couldn’t pronounce my name correctly, because my older brothers kept calling me “Gondgie”. Don’t ask me why, maybe it was their pet play name for me, and for the longest time I thought that really was my name.
6. But as an adult, I can say that I understand the English language well enough that I don’t have any trouble communicating with people or talking publicly. Ms Lillard you should know that, cause I probably talk more than any other student in you class. (giggle and smile)
I learned good verbal skills at a young age, and I think that is because my siblings were older than me. I was the youngest to born in my family and my next in age sibling was 4 years older than me. Even though I learned best from my parents my brothers also talked to me and helped me learn English better. If I would have had younger siblings I probably wouldn’t have learned English so easily.
2. Mathematical- Logical intelligence consists of the capacity to analyze problems logically, carry out mathematical operations, and investigate issues scientifically. In Howard Gardner's words, in entails the ability to detect patterns, reason deductively and think logically. This intelligence is most often associated with scientific and mathematical thinking.
1. Even if I consider myself better at English than math when I was a child, I still wasn’t to shabby in Math class either. I did pretty well with numbers in school and learned how to count to 10 when I was 2.
2. I still do pretty good in Math as a adult. I made the dean’s list here at TSU every semester and last semester Dr. Bignall gave me an A in physics. So I can do math pretty well too.
3. My mother taught me how to count. I remember one time when I was sick, I would count till I fell asleep or lay on the ground and count the stars was always a favorite of mine when I was a kid.
4. I was also good at puzzles. I could put them together pretty fast when I was a kid, which shows reasoning skills.
5. Now as an adult, I can use reasoning skills to research and figure out problems. I especially have to do this in Physics class cause some of the problems get so complicated.
Even though I could count to 10 when I was 2, I still think my logical Math skills didn’t show fully until I was older, like around the age of 6 or 7 because that is when I started doing pretty well in math and reasoning in school. I do think as a adult recently I have to use more logical reasoning in the college classes I take today. So far I have excelled in Math as a adult, but I have to study so hard. It really doesn’t come easy for me, but I can do it.
3. Visual/Spatial intelligence -involves the potential to recognize and use the patterns of wide space and more confined areas. Those who learn best visually and organizing things spatially.
1. I believe I am this way because I learned better how to count things when my parents would pull out coins and other objects and let me count them when I was a kid.
2. I also believe I have a sort of a “monkey see, monkey do” kind of learning ability cause I feel like a learn better by watching other people do things first.
3. I can do charts, graphs and draw maps pretty well.
4. I’m pretty good at charades too. If I can picture something I usually have a better chance of figuring it out.
5. I consider myself very organized. Much more organized than my, brothers or my husband.
I’m somebody who feels like I need a teacher. I do better when someone shows me or teaches me something visually, instead of me having to learn subjects on my own. That’s probably why I enjoy taking classes at TSU instead of taking them online. I like have a professor that I can ask questions and be shown how something works, especially in courses like Chemistry. I learned how molecules were conjoined by seeing small models of them put together. It helped me learn, because I could see it.
4. Interpersonal intelligence is concerned with the capacity to understand the intentions, motivations and desires of other people. It allows people to work effectively with others. Educators, salespeople, religious and political leaders and counselors all need a well-developed interpersonal intelligence.
1. I’m very social. I can even say I may talk to much. Ms. Lillard you should have noticed this in your class already.
2. I’m very friendly and socialable. I almost consider myself a people pleaser kind of person and sometimes wish I wasn’t that way.
3. But on the other hand I consider myself caring and aware of other people’s feelings.
4. I think this skill could help me become a good doctor, if I make it though medical school.
5. My social skills have helped me hold down long term jobs in my lifetime.
I’ve developed this skill as an adult. I didn’t have it when I was a younger child. I don’t think I developed it until I was a teenager. I was kind of selfish when I was a kid and didn’t learn to care about people other than myself until I got older, but when I got married and had children I learned to care about them more than myself.
5. Musical intelligence involves skill in the performance, composition, and appreciation of musical patterns. It encompasses the capacity to recognize and compose musical pitches, tones, and rhythms. According to Howard Gardner musical intelligence runs in an almost structural parallel to linguistic intelligence.
1. My father is a musician and minister and I feel like I get this skill from him. He taught me how to play piano when I was a child and I play in church.
2. I have written, sang and composed a few albums with the help of modern technology of course. I compose on midi keyboard devices.
3. Music has helped me with learning math skills. I’ve learn how to write Nashville number charts for different songs that I play.
4. I of course learned my ABC’s and 123’s by watching the show like Sesame Street on television.
5. I’ve learned how to play violin and using my hands more skillfully by playing different interments.
Learning from music was always helpful to me, even as a young child. I believe this should be used in all learning for all children, because it really works, as long as the child can hear of course. It’s also a fun way of learning; at least it was for me as a child and still is for me as an adult.
6. Existential intelligence, a concern with 'ultimate issues', is, thus, the next possibility that Howard Gardner considers - and he argues that it 'scores reasonably well on the criteria. However, empirical evidence is sparse - and although a ninth intelligence might be attractive, Howard Gardner is not disposed to add it to the list. 'I find the phenomenon perplexing enough and the distance from the other intelligences vast enough to dictate prudence - at least for now. In Howard’s exploration, he begins by asking whether it is possible to delineate the 'moral domain'. He suggests that it is difficult to come to any consensual definition, but argues that it is possible to come to an understanding that takes exploration forward. Central to a moral domain, Howard Gardner suggests, 'is a concern with those rules, behaviors and attitudes that govern the sanctity of life - in particular, the sanctity of human life and, in many cases, the sanctity of any other living creatures and the world they inhabit. If we accept the existence of a moral realm is it them possible to speak of moral intelligence? If it 'connotes the adoption of any specific moral code' then Howard Gardner does not find the term moral intelligence acceptable. Furthermore, he argues, researchers and writers have not as yet 'captured the essence of the moral domain as an instance of human intelligence.
1. I’m going to link this one with religion and spiritual beliefs. I’m am a child of a Pennicostal minister. This put deep religious beliefs in me
2. I have always believed everyone or everything has a purpose, and even though a world full of so many people can us feel small and insignificant we are not.
3. God is real to me and I am a believer. I believe he’s put us on this earth as part of his plan. Whatever that may be.
4. As I pray I believe I find the way God is leading me, or the things he wants me to do in my life (such as going into the medical field). I believe that this is what God wants me to do with my life.
5. What did God put me on this earth, hopefully to do good or great things. This is my meaning of life.
There’s not really much more I can add to this other than I believe in God and to me that is our creator and our reason for being what and where I am today. I don’t know the meaning of life, but God does in my opinion and I just place my faith in that.
7. Naturalist intelligence enables human beings to recognize, categorize and draw upon certain features of the environment. It 'combines a description of the core ability with a characterization of the role that many cultures value. The case for inclusion of naturalist intelligence appears pretty straightforward, the position with regard to spiritual intelligence is far more complex. According to Howard Gardner there are problems, for example, around the 'content' of spiritual intelligence, its privileged but unsubstantiated claims with regard to truth value, 'and the need for it to be partially identified through its effect on other people.
1. I grew up on a farm. I had pigs, chickens, a goat, cats, a few horses and I enjoyed living in the country.
2. I went fishing and hunting with my father and I could honestly say if I had too I could live off the land.
3. I also enjoy studying biology and learning how nature works.
4. I’m hoping I can be a doctor so I can study how the natural body works with nature.
5. I consider myself a naturalist, because I want to preserve the environment.
I consider myself a country girl and always will be at heart. I’m at home with nature and I enjoy studying biology. Biology is my favorite subject. But to me Naturalist intelligences ties in with my belief of God too, because this is the creator of all things of nature.
8. Intrapersonal intelligence entails the capacity to understand oneself, to appreciate one's feelings, fears and motivations. In Howard Gardner's view it involves having an effective working model of ourselves, and to be able to use such information to regulate our lives.
1. I have learned a lot about myself as I have grown. Such as I would like to be someone’s hero. Someone who has respect or is admired. I think a lot of people are the same way I am.
2. I guess that is why I want an education so badly. I have been without a college degree most of my adult life and I want so badly to graduate maybe so I can prove I’m not a dummy like I have felt like in the past, because I’m uneducated. Being uneducated can give you very low self-esteem and I had that for many years.
3. It took a lot of courage for me to go back to school, because I never felt like I was intelligent enough to past or do well in school, but I’m learning that if I try really hard, I can make really good grades. I just have to put the kind of effort into it that other people do not have to. What I mean is some students tell me they don’t have to study to do well in school. I have to study all the time. It’s not that I think am smarter than anyone else, it’s that I try harder than most of the other students, because it means more to me than it does to them.
4. It means more to me probably because I would like to be a doctor. My mother has Lymphoma Cancer and she’s always fighting for another day of life. That has really put a feeling of we are all in a race against time for all the life we can get.
5. My inter feelings are usually very obvious. My husband tells me he can read me like a book. So therefore I guess I must show my inter emotions a lot and sometimes wear my heart on my sleeve, at least to my husband I do.
I understand my own needs and emotions and the need to have people around me that understand my emotions, and I try to surround myself with people who I feel like have a positive opinion of me. I have a hurting need to get an education, because I have felt like I’m less of a person because I don’t have a education. It has made me feel beneath other people who are more educated than I am. I developed these conclusions as a young adult, when I could only get minimum wage jobs cause of my low education and skills.
9. Bodily-kinesthetic intelligence entails the potential of using one's whole body or parts of the body to solve problems. It is the ability to use mental abilities to coordinate bodily movements. Howard Gardner sees mental and physical activity as related.
1. Like I said before, I’m pretty good at charades.
2. I do pretty well at board games, and I am pretty good at sports too. My high school basketball team went to the state championship 2 years in a row.
3. I’m an excellent chest player.
4. I helped my brothers build tree houses and work on cars when I was a kid. I can still string a guitar or tune a violin if needed.
5. I work well with my hands.
I guess I didn’t think I was very developed at this skill until practiced something a lot. Even though I played piano and basketball, I really didn’t good at them until I did a lot of practicing. So it didn’t really come easily for me. I had to work pretty hard at it.
Summary Paragraph:
I feel like my parents claimed I was good at Verbal/Linguisitic-Linguistic intelligence when I was a young child about 1 or 2 years old. My parents believed that I learned language quickly. Maybe because I was the only daughter they had. As for Mathematical- Logical intelligence I feel like my parents made that possible for me too. My mother told me I could count to 10 when I was 2 so they just assumed I was good at Math. I just wrote down on this report what my parents told me. Visual/Spatial intelligence I feel like I learned this skill about myself when I was young teenager about 12 or so. I think I considered myself much more organized than my family and friends who were the same age as me at the time. As for Interpersonal intelligence, I don’t thing I considered myself conscious of other people’s feelings until I became an adult. When I was a child I was very selfish and probably on cared about my own personal feelings and wants. As a child I was probably more Intrapersonal and had to grow up a little bit as least to the age of 12-15 before I became more intrapersonal and even caring about other people’s feelings and emotions. Musical intelligence I feel like I got this started at a young age of about 2 as well. My mother would turn on educational shows like Sesame Street and sing my ABC’s and things like that to me at a young age and my father always was tiring to get me to play instruments with him even when I was just 3 years old, he had me strumming the ukulele in church. Existential intelligence in my case I have reverted this back to my religious beliefs, because I was raised by a Christian minister, I guess this started at a young age for me too. I don’t remember ever missing a Sunday of church. Naturalist intelligence, I grew up on a farm in the country with a father that hunted and fished and lived off the land. I went fishing and hunting with him a lot when I was a child. My mother would get mad at me because I wouldn’t stay in the house and help her with the dishes, instead I would go hunting with my father. I was born on my dad’s birthday and I was the only daughter he had. My mother says I’m more like him than my brothers are, and he’s very naturalist so I guess he rubbed off on me. Bodily-kinesthetic intelligence really don’t consider this my strongest point. I ranked it number 9, so I don’t consider it high on my intellectual list. This is the end of my paragraph. Have a great day Ms. Lillard.
Gardner’s Multiple Intelligences Project a little better.
Reference: Howard Gardner, multiple intelligences and education http://www.infed.org/thinkers/gardner.htm
Sorry about all the typos and mis-spelled words folks...I'm in a bit of a hurry to get done with this, and I'm really not the world's greatest speller.
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